Portable Fire Extinguisher

The enforcer portable CAFS system is a versatile firefighting tool and is easily adapted to many different risk areas. EnforcerOne products offer user-friendly and durable products that utilize compressed air foam technology to produce. The foam structure sticks to horizontal and vertical surfaces providing a vapor barrier between the fuel and the air.
Enforcer 10 product image

Enforcer 10 Features

Discharge Distance: up to 45ft, allowing for a safe distance between the system operator and the fire threat

Water Capacity: 10 U.S Gallons

Fluorine-Free Fire Foam: FIREBULL

Pressure Vessel Construction: Aluminum SAE J-10

Enforcer 60 Features

Available Varieties: Wheeled or Skid mounted

Discharge Distance: up to 95ft allowing for a safe distance between the system operator and the fire threat

Water Capacity: 60 U.S Gallons

Fluorine-Free Fire Foam: FIREBULL

Pressure Vessel Construction: Stainless Steel to ASME Code or Aluminum to SAE J-10 Code

More Information
enforcer 60 product

Other CAFS System Sizes

Fire Department Endorsement

FD with enforcer
Las Vegas Fire Dept Training Attendees on the Benefits of the Enforcer60
Resource Recovery and Recycling Authority of Southwest Oakland County

``RRRASOC has found the Fire Rover team and the Fire Rover system to be indispensable parts of our operation. The advance warning, critical threat analysis, and effective response provided by Fire Rover are essential to mitigating fire risk and protecting our people, our equipment, and our operational status. Fire Rover helps us place safety above all else.``

Michael CsapoGeneral Manager

``I fell in love with the concept back in 2015 and always wondered whether we would get the chance of seeing Fire Rover in France! The opportunity was given to us to be the exclusive distributor and there wasn't a doubt we needed to be a part of this solution. Using technology at its full potential and adding human intelligence, makes Fire Rover a force to be reckoned with in the fire industry! Smartrium is proud to have partnered with Fire Rover and I'm confident France will benefit from it!``

Delwyn PélissierCo-Founder/ Project Consultant
Eureka Recycling

``There's just more capacity for carriers to look at you if you have Fire Rover. There are some that wouldn't look at you if you didn't have it.``

Kristin PoffenbergerSenior VP
Walter's Recycling

``I simply cannot put into words how valuable the FR system was to us this morning, and to have it backed up by an incredible team of operators just makes it even better! ...That kind of customer service and attention to detail is not common anymore, and I wanted to be sure to thank everyone involved!``

Matt HollandVP of Operations
walters recycling logo

Contact us for custom solutions and quotes! Let's Create A Solution For Your Facility.Call Us Today for A Demo.Don't Wait Until a Disaster Happens.

Fire Rover: Your Ultimate Fire Protection Partner - Safeguarding What Matters Most